Spiritual Onion
I want to provide an alternative to the conservative, literal-minded, and politicized religious perspective that dominates the contemporary scene. As a Pastoral Psychotherapist and Pastor, I attempt to hold the tension between theology and psychology. Spiritual Onion will appeal to those who have left the Church and those who never participated in institutional religion. Spiritual Onion is for those who have been hurt by the Church, those who have outgrown the Church, and those who are looking for a different voice. The seekers, the searchers, and the soulful will find a home at Spiritual Onion. Take a listen....
Podcasting since 2021 • 37 episodes
Spiritual Onion
Latest Episodes
An End of the Year Ramble
This episode explores books, music, the loss of community, the re-imagining of vocation, and a visit by Obadiah the crusty, smelly shepherd.
Season 3
Episode 8
The Loss of the True, the Good, and the Beautiful.
Hear an in-depth and honest analysis of how the culture is self-destructing as the False, the Bad, and the Ugly replace the True, the Good, and the Beautiful. The podcast concludes with a look at how we can all take a sm...
Season 3
Episode 7
Shame Kills the Soul, Part 2
Shame Kills the Soul, Part 2 examines the connection between shame and envy—the connection between shame and bullying—the Church's complicity in shaming—its failure to follow Jesus' teaching on non-judgment—and the power of acceptance....
Season 3
Episode 6
Shame Kills the Soul, Part 1
No other feeling does as much damage to our unique personality as does shame. Our second stage of development as toddlers offers us the challenge of Autonomy versus Shame and its kissing cousin Self-Doubt. Autonomy allows us to be self-mo...
Season 3
Episode 5
WHEN YOU WERE BORN, WHO WAS THERE TO MEET YOU? We're looking at three initial building blocks for life, beginning with Trust versus Mistrust. Let Spiritual Onion aid you in reflecting on your beginnings in the world. Experien...
Season 3
Episode 4